American Council Condemns Rising Anti-Semitism in California
Rocklin, California — American Council President Tanner DiBella released the following statement after a wave of anti-Semitic rhetoric targeted municipal and county board meetings:
"Across California and the nation, anti-Semitic rhetoric has grown increasingly louder.
This week, eight men called into the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors meeting, spewing prejudiced statements like "The Holocaust was a hoax,” “Heil Hitler,” and references to Jewish people as “parasites” and “leeches.” Anti-Semitic comments also targeted boards in Sacramento, San Francisco, and Livermore.
As a faith advocacy group, we defend and support all religious communities. The American Council stands with our Jewish brothers and sisters and condemns the words and actions of these bigoted individuals.
As a Christian and Conservative leader, I deplore these fascist and Nazi-stained actions. Hate has no place in our public discourse. To all our Jewish neighbors: we support and stand with you."
Tanner DiBella