American Council Responds to El Dorado BOS Removing Christian Heritage Month
Rocklin, California — American Council President Tanner DiBella issued the following response after the El Dorado Board of Supervisors voted to rescind a Christian Heritage Month Resolution passed a month earlier.
Dear El Dorado Board of Supervisors, the decision to rescind the recent Christian Heritage Resolution was an egregious display of political pandering. Today, the board chose politics. Instead of honoring the vast contributions of the religious community in El Dorado County, this body voted to cater to an anti-religious hate group. The American Council, one the largest Christian advocacy groups in California, represents thousands of voters in your county. Understand that 23% of your constituents were dishonored today. This disappointment will be reflected in the 2024 election. Sincerely disappointed.
Tanner DiBella
President, The American Council