The American Council Responds to President Trump's Abortion Statement
Pro-Life — Not Matter What

The pro-life movement suffered an immense setback. President Trump announced support for the “right” to abortion in exceptional circumstances (rape, incest, etc.). He declared that the right to life should be settled at the state level and determined by the “will of the people.”
We must certainly acknowledge the debt the pro-life movement owes President Trump. It was President Trump who appointed the Supreme Court Justices who would ultimately rule that Roe v. Wade was unconstitutional. But we always knew that overturning Roe was only part of the fight. Enshrining human dignity at the center of American law, not only through individual states but also at the federal level, is critical.
Endowed by our Creator, every person has the unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The obligation of our government to protect these rights is the cornerstone of our republic. Without the security of life, everything else is at risk. As such, the protection of the right to life cannot be subject to the whims of individual states and consensus.
As we work to right the wrongs of abortion, we understand that compromise in policy may be needed. But compromise, in principle, is non-negotiable.
Since Roe’s 1973 ruling, millions of children have been aborted. It’s a part of our history that we beg God’s mercy for. It’s undoubtedly one we don’t deserve.
To that end, we call on President Trump to reconsider his position and defend the most fundamental right of all: life.